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Friday, March 4, 2011

Feature So Soft Pinkie Pie

Product Description

My Little Pony Feature So Soft Pinkie Pie Learns to Walk

The soft little Pinkie Pie doll needs your love and care. Hold her hands while she learns how to walk. "Look, I can walk," your Pinkie Pie pony will say to you when you help her. And when she's hungry, you might hear her say, "More, please." She will pretend to eat from her spoon and bowl or pretend to drink from her bottle. If she doesn't seem hungry, try giving your pony her pacifier instead. Walking, talking, snuggling and eating -- it's a busy day for you and your So Soft Pinkie Pie Learns to Walk pony. Imagine all the fun you can have again tomorrow. It includes a pony doll, bottle, pacifier, bowl and spoon. It also includes 3 AA batteries.

Product Dimensions (inches): 6 (L) x 13.5 (W) x 12 (H)Age: 3 years and up

What makes this Feature So Soft Pinkie Pie stands out ? This products has special features like below :

  • If she doesn?t seem ?hungry,? try giving your pony her pacifier instead
  • Walking, talking, snuggling and ?eating? ? it?s a busy day for you and your So Soft Pinkie Pie "Learns to walk" pony. Imagine all the fun you can have again tomorrow
  • With you holding her hands, your Pinkie Pie doll can ?learn? to walk
  • Pinkie Pie doll walks with your help, talks to you and pretends to drink from her bottle
  • Includes pony doll, bottle, pacifier, bowl and spoon
Price : $34.99
Ryenna: Overall, this is a great product, and it is no surprise that it is one of the bestseller on retail giants Amazon!.

If this is a MUST HAVE product, be sure order now to avoid disappointment. Get The best cheapest price and big for the Feature So Soft Pinkie Pie rihgt now

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Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

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